Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Moving Forward...

I'm so excited to start a new chapter of my life..moving forward on what i want to do and be. Like the saying goes "sometime life can give you lemon" but it's up to you to figure out what to do with those lemons. Do you squeeze the life out of them and end it there or do you do something better with them, like make use of their talent and what they can do. That's how life is and if you dont move forward and look on the brighter side you can make a better choice and do what you want and be who you want to be. In the next couple of years i'll be working hard to do what i want and maybe in some more year i'll be who i want to be. Maybe right now i'm not so sure who i am and who i want to be. I could make the decision to be a more aggressive person to get my point out there are still be this nice girl that i tend to be all the time. when the time comes i'll know and i'll like the whole world know that this nice girl everybody picture me to be may not be so nice anymore..will maybe but a bit more agressive and so on.


Sometime i feel like I'm alone in this world, like there are people who dont understand me and want to spend time with me. i feel like no one makes a effort anymore to be with the one they love. it's like all those people who i thought were my friends in middle school and high school were my true friend but it turn out they aren't. people always tell me that if u are too nice, there are people out their who would just take advantage of that niceness. Friends who care for another friend will make time to spend with them. Friends who dont care for another friend would not waste their time to spend with them and why should they if they dont care about them. True friends are the ones who know how busy you are but makes time to spend with you every other month to catch up on things. As long as they keep you in their heart they will always remain a true friend. So this is how i feel, i feel that your true friends arent ones you make in middle or high school. they are the one you meet at work and college. You are lucky if you can keep your friends from high school, those are true friends.